
The children shall inherit the world

May 13, 2023


I'm cheering on progress and find it fascinating to see how much mankind has introduced into the world over the last 100 years. At the same time I'm a big fan of cultivating and keeping the stuff from the past that works . Old traditions and things might actually teach us something and give us perspective to today's world.  Without becoming too philosophical here, I think the old crafts is a part of our cultural heritage that we should strive to keep alive - whether it is making pottery, carving woodwork, waving baskets ... or knitting ... or colorwork knitting. 

Knitting has during the last couple of decades seen a huge upswing, which makes me really happy. I am as you know, particularly focused on colorwork knitting. And colorwork knitting is not the knitting most people start with today. Which is perfectly normal. 

In order to keep the colorwork knitting alive we need to make sure that we as knitters, introduce the knitting as craft to as many as possible. We need to sit down with the young generations and teach them how to knit, and make sure they are moving those needles and get hooked (all puns intended)! They are after all, the ones that will inherit the world, and one day they will be in the same position as we are today - and hopefully sit down with their younger generations and pass on this wonderful craft that you and I love so much. 

To help you on the way I have put together a booklet with tips and ways to teach the young ones how to ... and also what to knit - 7 small projects that creates knitting joy, the feeling of mastering ... and new knitting addicts. 


Knit a memory with your kid, grandkids or any other kid that has place in your heart.   🖤 


This Sunday it's Mother's Day in some parts of the world so whether you are a mother, grandmother or a person who has a child you love in your life, this bonus is yours when you join the Eternity Shawl Experience before midnight today Sunday 14th of May 2023 (US Pacific Time). 

Let's knit history together. 

Knitting love from Anne, xx




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